X course 0 - 1000 followers.

Serkan Toplu
Founder The Serkan Toplu

About Serkan Toplu

I am Serkan Toplu owner of Many Leads.

We help companies with their marketing and how they can market their product or service.

I have been doing this work for 5+ years.

With this experience I gained in 31 days more than 1000 followers on X

Now is the time to help creators on X.

My Personal Writing Journey

I used to think I just "wasn't a writer."

In fact, for most of my life, I hated writing. My teacher told me you can't write well.

So I never wanted to write.

I spend most of my time scrolling on social media and did watched movies.

One day, in May I made the first time a X account. Before that I had never written before. I thought who uses X in this moment.

The only platforms I knew were Instagram and TikTok.

After following couple people that shares inspiration and motivation. I thought this was very fun, but I had only 5 impressions. No one liked or commented.

After 1 week of trying, I gave up. Did nothing because I thought I didn't know if this would work out for me.

I was hopeless until I get advice from a dutch friend. He said why are you complicating things?

It's easy, you just need to write in a certain way and make friends.

Then I gained in 31 days more than 1000 followers.

Can you relate to this?

You are starting something new but don't know where to start.

You need someone who helps you step by step to get 1000 followers so you can make money online.

Sounds this to you familiar?

  • You know you should writing, but you don't know what to write.
  • You want to start with X , but you don't know where you want to start.  
  • You try different things, but you don't get engagement.
  • You are writing, but it's too complicated for people to understand.
  • You want to start a personal brand, but you don't know what to do.
  • You want to start a side business, but you can't find time to start something meaningful.

If so, you're not alone. I've faced all of these roadblocks and more.

That's why I created 0 - 1000 followers on X course.

I explain step by step what you can to get 1000 followers.

My obsession to build a brand online has been a 7+ year long journey.

During that time I helped in the Netherlands more than 50 midsize companies with their branding and marketing and made more than six figure business.

If you aren't starting your business on X, you are missing out on a world of benefits.

Couple of years I did help my clients grow on social media, but it takes a lot of time and money to start an Instagram account to reach a lot of followers. You need to make good content or be an excellent editor. If you are creative you can do this but takes a lot of time.

That's why I started posting on X in November. You only need to learn the basics and write. It's not about good grammar English, but simple writing that will engage your readers.

as Alex Hormozi once said. He posts on X and the best works post he makes video's for other platform.

In order to build your personal brand, you need to learn writing.

What’s In The Course?


How to find your niche & what to write

You'll learn:

  • What to write on X
  • How to find your niche
  • How to take this course
  • How you can find passion
  • How you can find the 3 pillars
  • How you can write on X for long-term

After this module, you’ll be able to know what to write and you can choose your niche what you want to talk about on X. So you don't overthink and start with the real work.


The fundamentals of X

You'll learn:

  • How to the basics works
  • The brand architecture
  • The profile optimization
  • What to write on your bio
  • Which tools you can use to save time

After this module, you’ll know the basics of X and how you can brand yourself as professional account on X.


How you can write

You'll learn:

  • Why content goes viral
  • What time to post
  • How you can write personal stories
  • Which tools you can use for writing
  • The writing rules to get more engagement
  • How you van use Viral Formats
  • How do you write Longform / Thread post
  • How can you repurpose
  • How you can comment on account
  • What to do with negative comments
  • How can you make friend

After this module, you’ll know more about how you can write on a certain way so you get more engagement without spending hours and hours writing.


How to launch newsletter & leadmagnets

You'll learn:

  • How to own your audience
  • What to write in newsletter
  • Make landingspage for newsletter in minutes
  • How to collect email subs
  • How to launch a successful giveaway
  • What to write in ebook
  • How do you design ebook

After this module, you’ll know more about how you can get email subs and eventually you can sell service or product.

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