Stage Academy

Get the same communication training that billion dollar companies provide their teams from the comfort of your own home.

Vinh Quang Giang
Founder Stage Academy

About Vinh Quang Giang

His family are refugees from Vietnam, arriving in Australia on March 31st, 1981. From a young age, his father instilled in him a profound appreciation for life, often sharing a simple yet powerful concept: life is a miracle. His father would say:

Son, do you know how incredible it is that you are alive? If your mother or I had perished in the war, you wouldn't be here. If your grandparents hadn't met, you wouldn't be here. Going back 50,000 generations, if a cave man had eaten a poisonous fruit and died, our entire bloodline would have vanished from this earth. It took millions of years of serendipitous events for you to be here, and now that you are, you have about 80 years on average. When you compare how long it took for you to get here versus how long you are here, it's like you are alive for just one minute. It's a privilege to be alive. In this life of yours, remember to do what you love and jump as high as you can. As long as I am alive, I will always be your safety net.

This wisdom became the cornerstone of his success and the man he is today. His drive to excel in life is deeply rooted in his family.

Throughout his childhood, he witnessed his family build and grow various businesses, including farms, grocery stores, take-away diners, pharmacies, and even commercial properties. By the age of 13, he had absorbed the entrepreneurial spirit. In the year 2000, with eBay gaining popularity, he began buying various items and selling them to friends at a profit, though this entrepreneurial streak didn't always endear him to his peers. He changed schools four times due to conflicts over unpaid sales, which he sometimes resolved by enlisting the help of a bully.

Despite these challenges, he made it to university to study accounting. However, with only six months left in his degree, he made a bold decision. He came home and told his parents he was quitting school to build an online business teaching magic.

What followed was an even more fascinating journey, but for that, you'll have to wait for the keynote.

What is the STAGE Academy?

The STAGE Academy consists of 7 modules, 120 + videos and a total of 11+ hours of entertaining and educational content where International Keynote Speaker Vinh Giang will take you through the foundations of communication and presentation. The toolkit you will acquire is not only for on-stage presentations, it’ll help you in your off-stage communications as well.

You have one of the most complex instruments in the world - your voice. Yet when was the last time you sat down and learned how to use it to its fullest potential? Once and for all, learn how to master your instrument. No stone will be left unturned. Vinh will dive deep into vocal mastery, storytelling, body language, and much much more!

You are only as good as you can communicate. After you come through the Stage Academy, you return amplifying the best parts of who you are, improving your ability to lead the life you desire. Stop playing a small version of yourself, it’s time to break out of your comfort zone and allow the bigger version of you to shine through. Discover how to unlock your voice and your potential.

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