Start making videos in under 30 days

You will learn how to monetize your creativity by making videos that don't require fancy equipment or film school

Scott Millard
Founder Video Virals & Video SParks

Video Virals

The Animation Vitals course is designed to help you monetize your creativity by making videos without needing fancy equipment or prior experience. This comprehensive course teaches you essential skills such as AI-assisted writing, storyboard creation, music and sound effects, frame rates and blur techniques, creating presets, text animation, Adobe After Effects, and video reformatting.

For beginners, the course provides a clear pathway to start a video career from anywhere in the world, enabling you to make money online doing what you love. If you’re already making videos, this course offers new perspectives on the production process, allowing you to improve your work and ultimately charge more for your videos.

Course Content Highlights:

  • AI-assisted writing: Leverage AI tools to enhance your scripts and concepts.
  • Storyboard creation: Plan and visualize your video projects effectively.
  • Music and sound effects: Add professional audio to elevate your videos.
  • Frame rates and blur techniques: Understand technical aspects to improve video quality.
  • Creating presets: Streamline your workflow with reusable settings.
  • Text animation: Learn to animate text for engaging visuals.
  • Adobe After Effects: Master this industry-standard software for video effects.
  • Video reformatting: Adapt your videos for various platforms and formats.

The Animation Vitals course is the first step in the Video Vitals ecosystem, aimed at helping you build a solid foundation in video production. This ecosystem includes a supportive community, additional courses, video coaches, and interviews, providing ongoing growth and learning opportunities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced creator, this course will help you turn your passion for video into a profitable career.

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