King's Solomon's Court

Are You Tired Of Spending A Lot Of Time And Still Staying Stuck At Only $10,000 To $50,000 Per Month?

Myron Golden
Business Growth Consultant Author Of B.O.S.S. Moves Book

About Myron Golden

Born in a segregated hospital in Tampa, Florida, Myron Golden contracted polio as an infant. As a result, he walks with a limp and wears a brace on his left leg, but he also holds a black belt in karate.A coveted speaker in business and marketing circles, he travels and speaks internationally, sharing his timeless wisdom.The author of several books on the subjects of business and finance, Myron has assisted his clients in building businesses that do as much as $10 million per year in revenue. One of his superpowers is being able to make millionaires into multimillionaires, and his favorite way to do that is through a quantum leap.

Who This Mastermind Is For...

If you already have a business doing between $10,000 and $50,000 dollars per month in revenue and you are looking for a way to grow what's already working for you, then this is definitely right up your ally!

If you are an author, speaker, coach or consultant who is already having success and your students, clients and customers are more like raving fans and you are looking to scale, then this is exactly what you have been looking for!

If you have a service oriented business and you are looking for a way to totally productize your business or add a product selling element to your service business, then this is for you!

If you are a speaker who has been negatively impacted by COVID 19 and you've had a lot of your events canceled then this is for you.

If you are a speaker who would like to raise your speaker fee without the fear of losing speaking gigs then this training is definitely for you.

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