CopyThat Challenge

We're all selling something. Pitching a business, selling a product, getting others to believe an idea, meeting a spouse!

Sam Parr
Founder CopyThat Academy

What's up!?

I'm Sam Parr and I made CopyThat with my wife Sara.

I used to teach our writers a bit about writing. Then I taught my friends. And finally, I decided to create CopyThat so others can improve their writing.

A little about me

  • Moved to San Francisco from Tennessee when I was 21.
  • Cold emailed the founder of Airbnb (was called Air Bed and Breakfast back then) and he asked me to move out there and work for him.
  • Instead, I started a company that sold. Wasn't huge money, but enough.
  • With my time off...learned copywriting by doing copywork!
  • Then, started a conference called Hustle Con. Tens of thousands of people came over the years. The secret: I wrote great marketing emails and blogs that went viral.
  • I started The Hustle, a daily email business. In only ~4 years we scaled to nearly 2m readers a day, 8-figures in annual revenue, and ~40 employees. We never took VC!
  • Last year, I sold The Hustle for tens of millions of dollars to HubSpot. The business now has ~75 employees and growing fast!
  • I now host The Hustle's podcast, My First Million. We're one of the top 10 most popular business podcasts in the world!
  • On the side, I've invested over $10m into startups and am now trying real estate.

And now, I'm tinkering around with CopyThat.

I hope you enjoy CopyThat. Give it a try!

About CopyThat Challenge

The CopyThat Challenge lasts 10 week days. Monday through Friday for 2 weeks.

Each day you'll receive via email:

  1. An email with a copywriting lesson and explanation on how to use that lesson right away.
  2. A sales letter to copy. We've spent thousands of hours finding the most unique and effective sales copy in the world.
  3. Each sales letter will have detailed annotations on the sales letter that explains why different sentences work and what you can learn.

Note: Soon we'll do CopyThat for blog posts, internal memos, and more.

But this current version of CopyThat is for sales copy. We're all selling something. Pitching a business, selling a product, getting others to believe an idea, meeting a spouse!

CopyThat will make your persuasive copy irresistible.

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