Master self-management, build a strong personal brand, and create compelling content. Learn to use body language and voice tonality for influence, network effectively, excel in selling, handle objections confidently, and benefit from lifetime access with weekly growth challenges.

Andy Elliot
Founder The Elliot Group


Andy And Jacqueline Elliott's Journey Showcases Determination, Teamwork, And Growth. As A Formidable Duo, They Faced Challenges Head-On, Turning Setbacks Into Growth Opportunities And Building A Company That Mirrors Their Values. From Modest Roots, Their Story Is One Of Unwavering Persistence And Vision.

The Elliotts Lead By Example, Emphasizing Not Just Financial Success But Holistic Well-Being. Their Approach To Life Is Comprehensive, Balancing Professional Achievements With Personal Bonds, Especially With Their 3 Children. They Blend Family And Business, Teaching That Success And Happiness Are Intertwined.

Their Methods Go Beyond Sales Training To Life Coaching, Creating A Community That Promotes All-Round Growth. Their Legacy Is Not Just Their Successful Company But The Positive Impact They've Made On Many Lives. They Exemplify That With Dedication, One Can Achieve Professional Success, Personal Growth, And A Supportive Family Life.

About Blindspots

  • Master Yourself or Get Left Behind
  • Influence or Be Invisible
  • Your Brand, Your Empire
  • Create Content That Demands Action
  • Body Language: Your Secret Weapon
  • Voice Tonality: Command Respect and Persuasion
  • Network Like a Shark
  • Face-to-Face Selling: Close or Crash
  • Phone Selling: Conquer or Hang Up
  • Objection Handling: Crush Doubts Instantly
  • Lifetime Access: Learn On Your Terms
  • Weekly Challenges: Grow or Get Out



SalesSchool is a 12 part video series that includes online access on your computer, or smart device.

SalesSchool series is for those who are committed to leveling up and living with elite standards. SalesSchool is great for all high performers from sales, entrepreneurs, and leadership.

SalesSchool Series dives deep into the steps of self mastery, influence, persuasion, networking, relationships, brand building, body language and so much more. It’s perfect for new and lifetime Elliott learners.


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