7th Level - The "New Model" of Selling

Learn the advanced tonality secrets used by the top 1% sales professionals in direct selling, and transform your communication skills. Master techniques to captivate, engage, and persuade clients effortlessly, boosting your sales performance and confidence.

Jeremy Miner
Founder - 7th Level

About 7th Level


7th Level’s vision is to transform the sales industry into a more empathetic, respectful, and trusted profession. We aim to be the leading provider of sales training and coaching, empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their full potential. Our goal is to create value for both buyers and sellers and make sales a meaningful and rewarding experience.


7th Level is revolutionizing sales by developing the Neuro Emotional Persuasion Questioning (NEPQ) sales style, which works with human behavior. Our goal is to create a more pleasant and meaningful sales experience, changing the perception of sales for businesses and prospects. We are committed to ethical practices and helping our clients achieve their sales goals with a human-centric approach.

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